Today, the world is grappling to come to terms with an uncontrollable war-like situation because of the sudden outbreak of a deadly disease, COVID-19. Nuclear weapons, Bioweapons, Chemical weapons and Ultrasonic weapons are considered to be mass destructive weapons. Multifold large-scale summits, conventions, treaties and agreements have been organized on national and international levels for the regulation of these weapons. Still, a much more significant threat to humanity has been overlooked by prestigious global institutions.The danger that poses to mankind by the disturbing of natural wildlife and daunting cruelty is far mightier than that of lethal weapons. The domino effect of not implementing 'Wildlife Distancing' goes a long way in impacting Economic, Political, Social and Religious spheres. The consequences of which are unprecedented, irreversible and irreparable. The devastating side effects are soon to follow. To keep all the agony to humanity at bay, one must ponder over the root cause of destruction. Many more new diseases like the COVID-19 are looming at the horizon, ready to take a leap at any point. The time has come to take up active leadership for the cause of initiating 'Wildlife Distancing', to save humanity.
If we look at the recent influx of life-threatening diseases: be it Ebola, SARS or Swine Flu, the root cause is not practicing 'Wildlife Distancing'. If the virus, emerging from contact with wildlife, happens to be contagious, it can spread rapidly, like a wild forest fire. In contrast, socially habitable animals have been associated with humans since time immemorial. Humans have developed antibodies that fight diseases originating from socially habituated animals. In the recent past, humans have indulged in actions of 'Wildlife Contact’ which include activities such as 'hunting', 'poaching', 'wildlife trade', 'deforestation', 'dietary consumption', 'wildlife farming', 'encroachment', 'holding wild in enclosures as pets or for R&D purposes', 'creating nuisance at their natural habitats', and others. This requires close contact with wild animals, but humans have been unable to develop antibodies that protect from illnesses originating from close contact. It could take decades or generations before mankind comes out with a befitting invention. By then, lacs or crores of people will have become victims of such epidemics/pandemics. It sends shivers down the spine to even imagine the mayhem of such a scenario. Without antibodies, being developed within, there is obviously no possibility of a vaccine being viable. Understandably, medicine for this crisis is a far-fetched reality. Currently, the only way to prevent a hazardous situation like this is to start practising 'Wildlife Distancing' immediately. This is the ultimate formula for prevention that can save the world from a pandemonium. If humans let the wild live peacefully and naturally in their habitats, the root cause of this disaster can be eliminated. More the distance between mankind and wildlife, more shall both thrive and prosper. A secure environment will also result in natural Eco-order balance between the two, thus providing a natural and ideal lifestyle for both.
On a worldwide platform, 186 countries at the UN convention, have joined hands to tackle the social and economic problems arising from the consumption of narcotics. Sadly, the severe dangers of disease outbreak, posed by 'Wildlife Contact', have been sidelined on an international level. We, with this, hence would want the 'Global body' to take up the action in this direction.
The world has taken formidable steps for the peaceful existence of humanity by various conventions, treaties for Nuclear weapons, Chemical weapons and Bio-weapons however have neglected the biggest threat to humanity 'Wildlife Contact.' It is time for global leaders to come on a single platform to fight these borderless, invisible enemies for peaceful and harmonious co-existence. This can be achieved by including stringent clauses of avoiding 'Wildlife Contact' in Bio-weapon disarmament or otherwise.
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